투어 홈타운 보산
Tour Hometown Bosan

투어소개 OVERVIEW    |    기획의도 CURATORIAL STATEMENT    |    참여작가 PARTICIPANTS    |    프로그램 PROGRAM    |    아카이브 ARCHIVES   

○ Chung Yongkook
Born in 1958 in Deokjeong, Yangju-gun, Gyeonggi-do, he lives in Solangol, Dongducheon, his mother's hometown. After graduating from National Railroad High School, he studied at Seoul Arts University and Kyonggi University. After working for 20 years at the railroad and law firm, he quit his job and debuted as a newcomer in the 2001 quarterly Sijo World. He won the Lee Ho-woo Sijo Literary Award and the Garam Sijo Literary Award for Rookie of the Year, and received the Arko Literary Award from the Korean Arts Council. His collections of poetry Guerrilla in My Heart and There is Pluto were published in Dongbang Publishing, and I like you very much in Silcheon Literature. He published a travelogue of Pyongyang, Finding a Way in Pyongyang, from Hwanam Publishing, and a book of criticism selected as an excellent publication content production project by the Korea Publishing and Culture Industry Promotion Agency. He served as the secretary general of the Association of Korean Sijo Poets and the Society of Today's Sijo Poets, and currently serves as the chairman of the Korean Writers Association's Sijo subcommittee and the Contemporary Sasulsijo Forum.

○ Rainbow99
Rainbow99 has been making various musical attempts based on electronic music. He released his first project CALENDAR by creating music like a travelogue on his 2014 road trip. His second project, COME BACK HOME, was completed by performing, recording, and filming in one take right at the place while traveling. He presented projects (Dongducheon, Oreum Now) focusing on the cities of Dongducheon and Jeju, which contain the pain of modern and contemporary history. He tries to create works in which music is experienced by people through various attempts, rather than being heard by people only as music. Recently, he published the albums Water Cycle and Winter 1, which were made while staying in Seogwipo, Jeju, with stories about nature, and at the same time, Redevelopment Blues, a project based on redevelopment areas in Seoul presented with motion graphics.